Tackling conflict and bullying at work

Deputy prime minister Dominic Raab resigned on 21st April following an investigation into claims of bullying that had been made against him, and has since confirmed that he will step down as an MP after the next General Election.

CIPD research shows that working in an inclusive, supportive culture is in the top three of what employees now look for.  This got us thinking about how employers can tackle conflict at work.

It is crucial that leadership teams lead by example and role model expected behaviours in an organisation.  It is also important that any inappropriate behaviour or actions that do not align with company values are challenged and not accepted.  This will help to create a positive and inclusive working culture where people will feel able to bring up concerns.
Click here to find more information in new guidance recently released by the CIPD around tackling bullying, discrimination and conflict at work.

Please get in touch if you would like to know more about tackling conflict and bullying in the workplace or for anything else HR related - polly@rathbonehrsolutions.co.uk


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